Description: Participants will learn everything they need to know about sun-printing chemistry, making photograms and using contact prints on pre-treated fabric sheets. Mixing cyanotype chemicals will be discussed with a demonstration given on the process of coating fabric and/or paper with the solution.
Students will develop 3 fabric sheets (8 ½” x 11”), with a few samples made on various papers. Each student will receive a handout with further information including ideas for further experimentation and troubleshooting tips to take home at the end of the class.
What is Cyanotype? Cyanotype is an early photographic process dating back to the mid 1800s and is known for its distinctive Prussian Blue colour. Also known as sun-printing, this process requires UV light to develop prints on various surfaces. Unlike dye or fabric paints, making cyanotypes doesn’t need mordanting, fixing, or heat-setting. It is a fun and easy way to create unique and beautiful images very quickly.
Audience: 16 +
Supplies to bring:
Optional: Camera film negatives that are large format only. Transparencies that are printed on either a photocopier or inkjet printer or for use with an OHP. I will have a few for students’ use.
Notes: The negative needs to be held flat and still on the fabric and glass to ensure a tight contact print. Empty picture frames with glass inserts work very well for this process.
Registration cost: $ 107.00 (does not include GST & Eventbrite fees)
Did you know that Members of the Leighton Art Centre get 10% off the registration cost of all workshops and kids’ summer camps? Please visit
*Please note that the fee for this workshop includes admittance to our historic museum , walking paths and art gallery on the property, which can be enjoyed at your own discretion after the workshop is completed. Leighton Centre is a proud non-profit organization that relies on donations to help meet demanding operational costs. We appreciate your contribution by attending our workshops and other events that allow us to continue thriving!
Artist/ Instructor Biography: Arlene is an artist who is skilled in many different types of art and has been teaching adults for over 40 years. She focuses on techniques like cyanotype and alternative photography, collage, printmaking, bookbinding, and fibre arts. Arlene has two degrees in art (Alberta University of the Arts, Fibre Art with Honors and from the University of Lethbridge, Studio Arts, Honors with Great Distinction) and places a strong emphasis on composition and design in her classes.
Twitter: @WestenArlene Instagram: ArleneWesten
Cancellation and Refund Policy: Please note there is a NO REFUND policy on all Leighton Art Centre workshops. A refund will only be issued to participants if the workshop is cancelled by the workshop coordinator due to insufficient enrollment, extreme weather conditions, or Covid-19 restrictions. Workshops may be cancelled prior to the start date and participants will be notified via email and/or phone, and a full refund will be processed.
Withdrawal from workshops for medical reasons must be accompanied by a doctor’s medical note or a positive COVID 19 rapid test and must be received by the Leighton workshop coordinator prior to the workshop start date to be qualified for a full refund.