Welcoming visitors Tuesday – Sunday, 10AM – 4PM. Admission by donation.



Human Sprawl

Leighton Art Centre 282027 144 Street West, Foothills

Site-specific indoor installation exploring humanity’s tendency to live in excess with personal consumption impacting biodiversity.

walking is traditional

Leighton Art Centre 282027 144 Street West, Foothills

Mixed media works exploring cultural resilience and continuity in action.

Hey You! Land!

Leighton Art Centre 282027 144 Street West, Foothills

Examining ways artists with disabilities can enter into conversations about Indigenous histories and learnings about Indigenous artistic practices.

Sold Out! Harvest Dinner 2023

Leighton Art Centre 282027 144 Street West, Foothills

An immersive gala experience blending culinary and visual delights!

$70 – $90