Welcoming Visitors Tuesday – Sunday, 10AM – 4PM. Admission by donation.


Members Collection Expression of Interest

Introduction: Leighton Art Centre’s Members Collection is designed to showcase the incredible artists in our community by providing both physical and digital spaces to show and sell their work. Each artist and their chosen medium have their own unique needs; therefore, we will work with you to help determine the best selection of artwork, pricing, display, communication, and more.

Please note that due to the volume of interest in this program, it may take several weeks to review your Expression of Interest.


Program Overview

  • Artwork is sold on consignment; artist commission is 50% of retail value.
  • Artwork is featured on a short-term basis specific to the medium and dependent upon available space.
  • Artists must have a current Leighton Art Centre membership for the duration of their feature (bookings are up to 12 months in advance).

Artwork Requirements

  • Must be original.
  • Must be ready to display. For 2D works please use hanging wire, not claw style hangers. For 3D works we will discuss packaging and display requirements.
  • Must be in excellent condition (no tears, dings, broken frames, loose glass, holes, warping, etc…).
  • Must represent your current body of work (within 2 years).

We Do Not Accept

  • Reproductions of other artist’s work. We do accept art cards of original artwork created by the artist.
  • Commercially manufactured art and craft, including products created from commercial patterns or kits.
  • Imported art and craft.
  • Copied or appropriated images or artwork.

Review the complete guidelines here: Members Collection Complete Guidelines.

Agreement to Members Collection Guidelines(Required)

Artist Information

Membership Status(Required)
Indicate Your Artistic Experience(Required)
Do you have any other information, links or documents that you would would like to share with us? Please describe here. Any additional documents can be uploaded using the “Additional Supporting Documents” file upload area just after this.
NOT for your artwork images; please scroll down to “Artwork Image Upload” to upload those.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 3.
    Are you showing your work in other locations?(Required)
    Indicate your interest in the following information:
    Please upload up to 10 high quality images of your work. These images should be representative of your current body of work (within 2 years).
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpeg, png, jpg, gif, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 10.

      Leighton Art Centre’s Gallery Shop Terms and Conditions

      • Artists must have a current membership for the duration of their feature.
      • Artworks are sold on consignment, with 50% of retail value paid to the artist and 50% to LAC.
      • Consignors will be paid within 60 business days.
      • All 2D art must have hanging wire on the back. The artist’s name and title of the artwork must be clearly marked on the back of each piece. All 3D works must be packaged appropriately or have provisions for display.
      • Leighton Art Centre is under no obligation to display all artworks.
      • Images of artwork and/or the artist’s name may be used for publicity or educational purposes.
      Agreement to Gallery Shop Terms and Conditions(Required)