Welcoming Visitors Tuesday – Sunday, 10AM – 4PM. Admission by donation.


Gallery Shop Art Submission Form

"*" indicates required fields

Conditions of Participation in Art Sales at Leighton Art Centre:

  • Please check all your artwork information carefully before submitting; we deal with large quantities of data and will use the information you provide ‘as is’.
  • Please submit high quality, high resolution photographs (minimum 500KB, 1MB+ is recommended); accepted pieces may be put on our online shopping website using your submitted photographs. Image filenames MUST include artist’s last name and the title of the piece.
  • Each piece dropped off at LAC must be labelled on the back with the artist’s name and the piece’s title.
  • Images of artwork and/or artist’s name may be used for publicity or educational purposes.
  • Artist consignor’s commission is 50%. Artist consignors are to be paid within 60 business days of the end of the month the sale occurred.
  • All art is left at the Artist’s risk. The Leighton Art Centre assumes no responsibility for damage or loss.
Consent to Conditions of Participation*
Are you submitting work for a specific program?*

Artist Contact Information

Professional/public facing page only.
Professional/public facing account only.

Art Submission

Please submit high quality, high resolution photographs (minimum 500KB, 1MB+ is recommended). File names MUST include the artist’s name and the piece’s title (or easily identified partial title).

This form is used for multiple purposes; please only submit the number/type of works that you have agreed upon with our Gallery Shop & Guest Services Manager or other staff member.

This form will accept up to 20 images (max. 5MB each) and their associated data. If you need to submit more than 20 pieces or images, please submit another copy of the form.

Each piece MUST have an unframed image, but you are also welcome to submit an image of the framed piece, if applicable.

File names MUST include the artist’s name and the piece’s title (or easily identified partial title) – e.g. Johnson_Mary_In_The_Field.jpg. Minimum file size: 500KB; maximum file size: 5MB (each).
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 20.
    Artwork Details*
    Please fill out a row for each piece submitted. Fill in every field in each row. Use N/A for fields that don’t apply (e.g. Support or Framing questions for a clay piece). Click the + at the end of the row to add the next empty row.
    TITLE (exact spelling & capitilization)
    MEDIUM (e.g. acrylic, oil, photo, clay)
    DIMENSIONS (H x W" e.g. 12 x 8")
    SUPPORT (e.g. canvas, board, paper)
    PRICE (e.g. $175.00)